
Plant Protection

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No 41 (2017)
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9-16 103

The article presents the results of studies on weeds harmfulness associated with the accumulation and removal of plant nutrition basic elements from soil depending on the technology of soybean growing in forest-steppe zone of Ukraine.

17-22 116

The results of researches on the herbicide Salsa, WDG application in spring and winter rape crops are presented. The biological efficiency of a preparation in winter rape crops in 30 days after treatment has made 81,2–90,6%, spring rape – 70,3–76,2% and increased a little bit the variant parameters with the corresponding rates of herbicide Salsa, WP application.

23-38 226

Under modern intensive agriculture conditions weed control is one of the major elements on which depends the increase in agricultural crops productivity in general and sugar beet in particular. In this article the results of studying the efficiency of a new for Belarus technology of sugar beet protection against weed plants – Conviso® smart, based on sugar beet hybrids resistant to acetolactatsyntase (ALS) inhibitors hybrids in a complex with the herbicide Conviso1, OD thiencarbazone-methyl, 30 g/l +foramsulfuron, 50 g/l) are presented. Depending on soil climatic year conditions , specific composition and weed number, the biological efficiency of the herbicide Conviso 1,OD by CONVISO® SMART protection technology application in a month after treatment has made 80–97% on weed plants number decrease and 84% on their vegetative weight decrease. The herbicide application allowed to get additionally 444–562 cwt/ha sugar beet and increase sugar output for 75–111 cwt/ha.

39-49 101

In the article the research results on determining the herbocrytical harmfulness period in blue lupine crops of different ripeness groups are presented. The duration of herbocrytical harmfulness period in blue lupine crops has made: for early–ripening variety Pershatsvet – 16–21 days of combined vegetation, medium–ripening variety Mirtan – 21–24 days.

50-58 121

The data on specific composition and weed plants structure of dominance in high Alpine bilberry plantations are presented. 63 weed species from 23 botanical families are revealed. The most spread are the mixed types of weed infestation, including annual grass, annual dicotyledonous, perennial sobole and rachis-root in which prevail perennial (34,7%), early spring (25,5%) and hibernating weed plants (20,6%). On the average, depending on crop age there are from 517,9 to 1153,2 weed plant pieces. In plantations older than 5 years the weeds number is 2,2 times higher than in the young (till 5 years old) high Alpine bilberry plantations.

59-65 110

The most dangerous period of combined vegetation of sugar beet with weeds is a period from plant seedlings emergence up to the second decade of June (time of the crop leaves closing in rows). At this period of combined vegetation the crop due to its morphological features is not able to resist weeds and needs obligatory protection.
After leaves closing in rows the danger of weeds negative influence on yield level is reduced due to edificatory role of sugar beet plants. The next period of weed infestation duration from July 15 to root yield harvest in autumn leads to yield decrease for 15,5%.

66-84 125

Under small-plot and farming trial conditions the study of herbicide tank mixtures biological efficiency by autumn and spring application in winter wheat and triticale crops was done.

85-92 149

In the article the results of biological efficiency study of the herbicide kaiman forte, WDG (687 g/kg glyphosate acid) in fields used for different crops sowing and on non-agricultural land use against annual and perennial dicotyledonous and grass weed plants are presented.

93-106 98

It is determined that at winter grain crops infestation by annual dicotyledonous and annual (grass) weeds resistant to herbicides of the group 2,4 D and 2M-4X in Belarus it is expedient to apply in autumn by crop vegetation or in spring iodosulfuron-methyl sodium-based herbicides: Secateur, WDG, Secateur turbo, MD; Hussar, WDG; Hussar, WDG, MD and Alister, MD and Alister grand, MD. Based on the results of researches the herbicides are included in the “ State register of plant protection products (pesticides) and fertilizers, permitted for use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for a wide production application.

107-114 70

As a result of done researches the biological threshold of annual dicotyledonous weed plants harmfulness in corn crops cultivated for grain is determined which has made 5,1 pcs./m2 in 2014, 5,2 – in 2015 and 2,8 pcs./m2 – in 2016, on the average, 4,4 pcs./m2 and increases for 0,8 pcs./ m2 under the year conditions close to the average perennial hydrothermal data and decreases for 1,6 pcs./m2 under dry year conditions.

115-127 126

In spring barley crops the herbicide tandem, WG controls annual including the resistant to 2,4-D and 2M-4X and some perennial dicotyledonous weeds. Crops spraying with the herbicide at the rate of application 15-25 g/ha should be the most rationally done from 2–3 leaves of the crop and up to full tillering where total dicotyledonous weeds infestation decreased for 78,5–98,4% by number and for 79,3–93,8% by vegetative weight.
In variants where tandem, WG was applied in combination with the SAS Fortuna (250 ml/ha) the efficiency was increased and total weed infestation decreased for 94,7–97,9% by number and for 98,8–99,6% by vegetative weight.

128-140 85

The influence of glyphosate-containing herbicides on growth and development of cow parsnip is studied: they can be applied in spring after cow parsnip after growing or by growing plants after carrying out the next plot cutting. The time of glyphosate-containing herbicides application is restricted by early stages of the invasive species development. The duration of glyphosates herbicidal action does not increase 2–3 months, what demands minimum two times plot treatment during the vegetation season.

141-151 93

The study of biological and economic efficiency of graminicides based on hizalofop-P-tefuril (Skate, EC) and hizalofop-P-ethyl (Miura, SC, Target super, AS) in milk thistle crops; complex study of their application influence on flavolignane synthesis and their ratio, residues of the products accumulation in production. It is determined that the herbicides Miura,EC (1,0 l/ha) and Target super, AS (2,0 l/ha) decrease crops grass weeds infestation, on the average, for 70–100%, allow to keep 3,3–3,4 cwt/ha fruit crop yield, do not cause the residues accumulation in production, do not deteriorate the obtained raw material.


152-159 99

The phytosanitary state of potato tubers at the end of storage is characterized by diversity and heterogeneity in the zonal manifestation of tuber rots and scab type diseases – silver scab (Spondylocladium atrovirens Harz ), common scab (Streptomyces spp.), rhizoctonia black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn). In the structure of tuber rots prevail the bacterial origin rots which are detected in pure (wet soft rot) and mixed form. From tuber rots of fungal ethiology prevail dry rot. Silver scab severity increase and incidence in relation to common scab and rhyzoctonia is determined.

160-166 160

Species complex of fungi causing root rot of winter wheat is investigated. It is determined that the basis of species complex is composed of fungi F. oxysporum, F. equisetiandF. solani, which frequency of occurrence reaches respectively 49,4; 38,6 and 49,2% depending on the region. The data obtained indicate changing of dominating fungi species composition. For the first time in a territory of some regions from winter wheat roots F. cerealis was isolated.

167-173 177

The article presents the results of research years on the effectiveness of fungicides for protecting winter oilseed rape against the diseases. The effect of preparation Mirador Forte, EC and Custodia, SC to limit Alternaria severity is shown. The use of these fungicides promoted1000 seeds weight increase and the preservation of statistically significant seed crop.

174-181 86

The phytosanitary oats crops condition of varieties Chernigivskyi 28 and Samuel in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine is evaluated. The biological effectiveness of chemical fungicides Alpha Standard, SC; Phoenix SC, and the biological preparation Gaupsin, s against the main leaf diseases is presented. The crop yield by various fungicides application is determined.

182-188 84

Studied the most common diseases of sunflower are dominant white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum de Bary) and grey rot (Botrytis cinerea Fr.). It is established that the determining factor in the development of root, stem, basket forms of rot aregenetically determined resistance of sunflower varieties and hybrids to phytopathogens and abiotic factors of the cultivation region.

189-195 84

In Belarus conditions, the influence of sowing time and seeding rate of pea seeds of the Czech Bogatyr sowing variety and the Gomelskaya field pea variety on powdery mildew incidence caused by the fungus Erysiphe pisi DC., was studied.
In order to limit powdery mildew severity at physical and biological soil ripeness in years with the moderate and low precipitation in spring period, the optimum sowing time is the II–III decade of April, with the high – the I decade of May. The late planting time (the II decade of May) leads to 1,5–2,6 times increase of the disease severity and to significant seed yield losses for 3,1–3,9 cwt/ha.
To control peas powdery mildew severity (varieties Czech Bogatyr, Gomelskaya), the optimum seeding rate for sod-podzolic soils is 1,2 million germinated seeds, at which the highest yields are observed (30,4–32,4 cwt/ha). In the thickened crops (1,8 million germinated seeds), the disease severity is 1,5–2,2 times increased, which leads to yield decrease for 3,1–3,9 cwt/ha.


196-210 216

The article provides with the improved species composition of phytophages, the structure of dominance and their harmfulness in winter triticale crops. The foci of agrocenoses colonization by such pests as turnip moth (Agrotis segetum Den. & Schiff.) and wheat opomyza (Opomyza florum F.) are indicated. For the first time in 2016, the invasion of a new pest for Belarus – corn ground beetle (Zabrus tenebrioides Goeze) is registered. The effectiveness of products with different mechanisms of action and active ingredients against a complex of pests which have been mass developed in 2015–2016 has been evaluated. Pre-sowing seed treatment by the insecticidal action preparations reduced the damage of winter triticale by wireworms for 80,8–91,0%, cereal flies for 62,2–79,2%, corn ground beetle larvae for 70,6–91,2%. During triticale vegetation period under field experiment conditions, the most effective was a contact-systemic action preparation Eforiya, EC, which reduced cereal leaf beetles number up to 96,4%.

211-222 141

The main regularities of microevolutionary form processes in Colorado potato beetle at the territorial settlement under the influence of environmental factors: climatic, ecological, meteorological, trophic and anthropogenic are shown in the article. It is determined that the incidence of phenomorph of front back central part of Colorado potato beetle imago are exposed to geographic, biotopic and seasonal variability. The Belarussian belonging to the Northern ecotype is revealed. It is determined that the Colorado potato beetle possesses a complex intraspecific structure and significant genotypic variety of local populations. The systematic monitoring of the pest populations phenotypic structure in the Republic is indicated what allows to predict the effectiveness of chemical products use against Colorado potato beetle for potato protection.

223-230 81

In the article the results of 2014–2016 researches on gramineous aphids dynamics number depending on seeding rate and sowing period at different winter wheat phenological development stages considering crop vegetation period: autumn and spring-summer are presented.

231-244 144

The results of many years researches on features of ecologic strategies of dominant phytophages of grain stocks of spiked and pulse crops on axis of r and K-continuum are introduced. The species of order Coleoptera are exposed predominantly to K-selection, which characterizes their expressed status of phytophages, the high adaptive capacity to action of stress factors and the modifying role of entomophages is determined. Lepidoptera and other species of arthropods show predominantly the expressed r-strategy, the opportunistic character of ontogenesis and susceptibility to entomophages. The perspectives of phytophages population number control with the use of laboratory entomophages cultures are shown.

245-254 160

Field and production experiments data have shown that the biological efficacy of insecticidal and insecticidal-fungicidal preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment against wireworms is higher than the normative one and has made 86,3–89,7%. When using insecticides with the active ingredient alpha-cypermethrin during the growing season, the number of cereal flies and grain fleas decreased for 71,4–87,5%, preparations with the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin reduced the number of cereal aphids and cereal leaf beetles for 45.4–98,5%, with the a.i.. tau-fluvalinate – up to 99,6%.

255-262 114

The results of studying the dynamics number of spider mite in soуbean crops are presented. Based on the obtained data the evaluation of biological and economic efficiency of ensecticidal (Karate Zeon, MS), insecto – acaricidal (WoliamTargo, SC) and acaricidal (Apollo,SC) action preparations is done. As a result of researches it is determined that the application of the studied preparations allows to decrease the pest number for 74,2–93,7% and keep 2,5–4,3 cwt/ha of soybean seeds.

263-272 123

The objective of our researches is the evaluation of a possibility and efficiency of biological preparations application against pests in apple-tree, black currant, cranberry bush, honeysuckle and red chokeberry stands. The efficiency of biological preparations Lecanicill and Entolek, created based on strains of the fungus Lecanicillium (Verticillium) lecanii (Zimm.). Zare et W. Gams against aphids in fruit-berry crops has made 39,7–65,5%. The biological preparations Bitoxybacillin, Lepidocid, Baciturin developed based on Bacillus thuringiensis, decrease leaf-biting caterpillars number for 59,7–67,6%. The application of a biological preparation «Melobass», developed based on Beauveria bassiana provides with leaf beetles number and weevil beetles for 42,3–65,3%.


273-279 133

The dynamics of imidacloprid and pencycuron detoxification - active ingredients of Prestige 290 FS disinfectant in potato agrocenosis is studied. The indicators of their decomposition, which allow to calculate the amount of the active ingredients at any time during the crop growing period are determined. A degree of danger of the studied pesticides in forest districts of Ukraine is evaluated.

280-286 84

The method of flupyradifurone residue determination in rapeseeds and rape oil is introduced in the article. The sample preparation is based on extraction of analyte with acetonitrile followed by cleaning up in a system of immiscible liquids and solid phase extraction. Residues determination was carried out by ultra high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector. The limit of quantification is 0,02-0,05 mg/kg.

287-295 137

The method of micro quantities of herbicide imazamox determination in plant production (peas grain and green mass), soil and water is developed. The method is based on imazamox extraction from plant samples and water by dichlormetanol, from soil by sodium hydroxide, extracts cleaning,diazometane methylation with the subsequent determination by gas-liquid chromatography method. Limit of discovery 0,02 mg/kg (soil, plant production), 0,005 mg/l (water). Imazamox extraction completeness has made 84,7% (water), 76,8% (soil), 76,2–78,3% (peas plants).

296-306 121

The article presents the results of studies on the effect of organic fertilizers and doses of nitrogen on the development and prevalence of clamp rot, as well as on the technological qualities of sugar beet roots when stored in clamps. Species composition of causative agents of clay rot in the years of research is determined. It is shown that a balanced nutrition system allows reducing the prevalence of sugar beet rot while storing and improving the technological qualities of root crops. A correlation between the decrease in sugar content, the yield of sugar, and the doses of nitrogen is determined.

307-315 110

The fullerene-arginine complex was synthesized and its physicochemical properties were studied. The effect of the fullerene-arginine complex on growth processes and the content of phenolic compounds in etiolated cucumber seedlings at +25 °C and hypothermia conditions (+10 °C) were studied.

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ISSN 0135-3705 (Print)