
Plant Protection

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No 46 (2022)
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9-14 279

The paper presents the results of the assessment of the effciency of imazamox based herbicides in spring rape. It’s identifed that with the application of the herbicides Global, WS (1,2 l/ha) and Ilion, OD (0,8–1,2 l/ha) the number of weed plants decreases by 68,8–94,4 %, and the weight – by 86,2–98,8 %. The saved yield amounts to 3,4–5,8 dt/ha.

15-22 532

The paper presents the results of the assessment of the efficiency of Volnik Smart, WS herbicide (glyphosate, 545 g/l), Frandesa Co., Ltd applied in the felds for different crops (spring cereals, potato, vegetables, industrial, oil and medicinal crops and others). Volnik Smart, WS herbicide applied in a dose of 1,3–1,8 l/ha was effective against annual cereal and dicotyledonous weeds; when applied in a dose of 2,2–2,6 l/ha it destroyed effectively perennial cereal and dicotyledonous weeds. When the herbicide was applied in a dose of 1,3–1,8 l/ha the number of weeds decreased from 85,6 to 95,7 % and their vegetative mass – from 77,8 to 95,8 % in a month after the treatment. When it was applied in a dose of 2,2–2,6 l/ha the number of weeds decreased from 94,0 to 99,3 % and their vegetative mass – from 88 to 100 %.

23-29 197

The paper presents the results of the research on biological and economic effciency of the new herbicide Femida, OD (2,4 D-acid, 320 g/l of 2-ethylhexyl ester + 4.2 g/l of chlorsulfuron) produced by Schelkovo Agrohim, Ltd., Russia. It’s established that with protection of winter wheat at the tillering stage in spring the reduction of infestation with annual and perennial weeds amounts to more than 85 %, in particular, blind weed, lamb’s-quarters, feld scorpion grass, dead beans – 100 %; wild camomile – 85,4–100 %, scratch grass – 78,3–100 %, blue bottle flower – 95,5–100 %, feld violet – 65,7–80.7 %, feld sow thistle – 91,7–100 %.

30-42 213

In the article the results of researches on biological and economic effciency of a new herbicide Uniko, CSC (fluroxypyr, 100 g/l + florasulam, 2,5 g/l) AO “Shchelkovo Agrokhim”, Russia production are presented. It is determined that by this herbicide application in spring wheat and barley at tillering stage, the biological effciency has made more than 90,0 %, by crops weeding at flag leaf stage – the efficiency has made 80,0–85,0 %, for this, the reliable yield increase has made 80,0–85,0.

43-48 289

The research on evaluating the biological effciency of Lifeline, WS herbicide (glufosinate ammonium, 280 g/l), UPL Holdings Ltd, the Netherlands, was carried out in the feld experiments in near trunk lanes of the apple garden.

It’s established that Lifeline, WS with a three time application to fruit plants ina dose of 1,1 and 1,8 l/ha showed a high biological effciency against perennial and annual weeds (100 %). By the time of harvesting near trunk lanes of the garden were free of weed plants, which was very important for harvesting.

On the basis of the obtained data Lifeline, WS (glufosinate ammonium, 280 g/l) was included in the State List of Plant Protection Means and Fertilizers Approved for Use in the Republic of Belarus.

49-57 165

As a result of done researches the harmfulness of weeds of annual medicinal plants at various row spacing and for time of sowing is determined. The yield reduction of Calendula offcinalis L. flowers by 20–25 % of the maximum yield (at 45 cm row spacing) follows combined vegetation of the crop and weeds for 10–13 days; Silybum marianum L. seeds (45 and 15 cm) – for 16–23 days; Matricaria chamomilla L. flowers – after spring sowing (12.5 and 45 cm) – for 11–19 days, after early winter sowing (45 cm) – for 40–50 days. Matricaria chamomilla L. under cultivation at a row spacing of 12,5 cm after early winter sowing is quite competitive to weeds. Matricaria chamomilla L. and Silybum marianum L. crops are more competitive to weeds after sowing at a row spacing of 12,5 and 15 cm than wide-row crops (45 cm); better weed suppression was noted after early winter sowing of Matricaria chamomilla L. compared to spring sowing. The relative coeffcient of harmfulness of weeds ranges from 0,19 to 1,92 %.

58-65 192

The paper presents the results of the research on identifying the biological effciency of soil applied herbicides in oil sunflower under the conditions of Gomel and Brest regions. In the technology of protecting sunflower from weed plants it’s advisable to use soil herbicides which can control almost completely plant infestation during the whole vulnerable period of the crop, in particular within the frst 40 days of vegetation.


66-80 169

The problem of food safety of the country is the main task of grain-growing economic entities. Spring wheat occupies an important place in achieving this goal due to the quality of the products obtained. As a result of the pathological process, diseases of fungal etiology lead to a decrease in the yield of the crop, and also, due to biochemical changes in the affected plants, to a decline in its quality. Against the background of compliance with agrotechnical requirements for the cultivation of spring wheat, the biologically justifed use of fungicides (when the development of one or a complex of diseases reaches a threshold level) in order to protect the leaves from diseases (powdery mildew, a complex of leaf spots, etc.) during the growing season is a highly effective technique. Analysis of the results of long-term research (2010–2021) on the study of the biological effectiveness of 27 fungicides consisting of various combinations of active substances showed that, in general, single-component preparations provided a limitation of the severity of leaf spots by an average of 44,1–55,3 %, powdery mildew – by 43,0–85,1 %, two-component – by 61,9–83,4 and 60,0–78,3 %, three-component – by 68,7–88,9 and 70,2–90,9 %, respectively. Timely fungicidal treatment will save up to 30,4 % of the crop (a combination of azole and strobilurin).

81-88 197

Rhynchosporium is a wide spread disease in the regions of winter rye cultivation. The paper demonstrates the results of the monitoring of occurrence and development of phytopathogene in the crop in the Republic of Belarus for 2019-2020.

89-96 168

The paper presents the results of the research on identifying biological effciency of the preparations Scarlet, ME and Fungilex, L for presowing treatment of faba beans seeds. The effect of the preparations is observed up to BBCH 35 (the 5th stretched joint can be seen). It’s established that faba beans seeds are infected with fungi Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp. and Botrytis fabae. For 2017-2021 Penicillium, Mucor, Rhizopus, Cladosporium, Aspergillus high contamination causing seed mold was observed.

97-102 216

Two year researches on the effciency of monocomponent fungicide Topaz, CE and two component fungicide Luna experience, SC from the triazole group were conducted when controlling the development of summer raspberry diseases. As a result, it was established that the effciency of both preparations against anthracnose and spur blight was 56,4–70,2 % and 66,2–72,6 % respectively when used in minimal doses, and 75,7–83,5 % and 80,6–84,4 % when used in maximum doses. The effciency against gray rot over the years of the research fluctuated from 67,8 % to 89,9 %.

103-110 153

In this article, the results of the researches carried out in 2019-2022, based on the monitoring of apple scab agent resistance to kresoxim-methyl in commercial orchards of the republic are presented. The influence of 3-time applications of monocomponent and combined fungicides from strobilurin group on sensitivity of V. inaequalis fungus to kresoxim-methyl and their biological effcacy in apple scab control have been assessed.

111-120 118

The paper demonstrates the data on the research on the dynamics of Alternaria blight development of recognized varieties cultivated in the republic. The intensity of the disease development is shown reflected by the indicator “the area of the disease development under the curve”. The influence of weather conditions on Alternaria blight development depending on the year of the crop cultivation is indicated.

121-128 185

The paper presents the data on a long term dynamics of the occurrence and development of moniliosis in cherry plants. It’s established that during the research the occurrence of blossom blight of cherry sprouts was 1,6–59,7 %, and fruit rot – 0,2–27,4 %. The development of cherry blossom blight doesn’t depend on the age of the crop. The biological effciency of the copper fungicide Indigo, CS was studied. The biological effciency of Indigo, CS applied in a dose of 3,0–5,0 l/ha to cherry amounted to in 2020: 77,8–88,1 % for limitation of blossom blight of sprouts, and 86,0–92,0 % for limitation of fruit rot; in 2021: 77,8–83,0 % and 88,3–92,0 % respectively

129-136 171

The results of research on spring triticale varieties for 2015—2019 showed that root rot severity on Uzor variety by the end of the growing season (st. 85) ranged from 4,0 to 30,4 %, Doublet – from 9,2 to 42,3 % and Sadko – from 4,6 to 32,3 %. A high severity of root rot was noted in years when the amount of precipitation in the growing season of spring triticale was the lowest (2015) or the highest (2017) relative to the norm. A polynomial dependence (R2 = 0,75) was found between the area under the disease progress curve and the amount of precipitation for the period from sowing to soft dough (st. 85), indicating that root rot severity of spring triticale increases under conditions of both insuffcient, and excess moisture.

137-143 154

The paper presents the results of the analysis of seed infection of different maize hybrids in Belarus for 2013–2016. As a result of the research a high infection of seeds with phytopathogenes (up to 86,6 %) with Fusarium domination (11,3–53,4 %) was determined. The share of Penicillium spp. amounted to 0,6–15,4 %. The hybrids Dneprovsky 181 SV, Polessky 185, 202, 212, 214, 218 SV, Mos 182 SV, Kubansky 140 SV and Poltava demonstrated the lowest infection of seeds with Fusarium – 11,3 %–53,4 %. The impact of mid July-September weather conditions on infection of seeds with Fusarium spp. and Penicillium spp. was identifed: the higher precipitation provision is, the higher seed infection is.

144-152 191

The effciency of promising fungicides is evaluated in order to increase thre sale roots yield of carrot during the storage period. The norms of their application during the vegetation period of the crop are developed. The biological and economic effciency of fungicides is identifed. It’s established that the fungicide protection during the vegetation period of the crop allows improving roots preservation, receiving biological effciency up to 96,1 % and increasing the sale roots yield up to 99,7 % at the end of the storage period.

153-163 197

The article presents the data on potato agrocenoses affected by Alternaria blight under the influence of various factors that have a stressful effect on the host plant and contribute to the damage of the crop by the disease. It’s established that potato nematodes increase the plant susceptibility to the disease, promoting epiphytotic development of Alternaria at earlier stages of the crop ontogenesis. Under the conditions of a natural infectious load of Alternaria pathogens under the influence of weather conditions epiphytotic development of the disease was observed on plants of the early ripening variety Breeze – 75,0 %, moderate – of the mid ripening variety Skarb and mid-late variety Nara – 40.0 % and 35,0 %, respectively. In the republic, a high prevalence of the disease is observed in the plants of the studied varieties, varying on average from 62,0 to 100 %. From Alternaria spp. fungi the dominant species on potatoes are A. alternata (77,8 %) and A. solani (52,8 %). With a high prevalence of Alternaria blight, reaching on average 93.3–100 % for potato varieties, the dominance of A. alternata was established with a frequency of occurrence of 100 %.


164-179 238

The paper presents the results of evaluating the effciency of insecticides for 2016–2021 containing acetamiprid as an active ingredient (a.i.) and its combination with compounds from other chemical groups in protecting cereals from dominant pests. It’s established that pre-sowing treatment of seeds with an insecticidal preparation contributed to a decrease in the damage caused by wireworm and cereal flies to winter wheat up to 87,0 % and up to 69,9 %, to spring barley – up to 91,5 % and up to 80,9 %, respectively; insecticidal and fungicidal preparation used in winter cereals – up to 93,1 % and in spring cereals – up to 91,4 %. The results of production experiments on winter wheat and triticale demonstrated a high efficiency of King Combi, SC in reducing the damage caused by larvae of ground beetle (by 85,9–90,2 %) and cutworm (by 80,9–84,1 %) and the number of phytophages – by 73,3 % and 90,0 % respectively.

When vegetating plants are treated with two-component insecticides containing acetamiprid, the damage caused by corn flies to spring cereals stems decreased up to 93,3 %, the number of fleas – up to 93,8 %. The biological effect in reducing the number of cereal leaf beetle larvae in winter crops with the use of the studied toxicants was 80,3–100 %, in spring crops – 81,0–100 %, the number of plant lice amounted to 98,8 % in spring barley and up to 99, 4 % – in spring wheat.

180-192 137

In the article a special attention is concentrated on the results of the research on the formation of entomoacarafauna of granaries of Belarus, taking into account the ecological (food) factor. For the frst time, the species richness was analyzed, taking into account the ratio of the number of stock pest species and their number in warehouses where grain of wheat, barley, triticale, oats, and rye is stored. A comparison of species richness indices is shown: for wheat, the maximum value is set (1,53 points), for rye - the minimum one (0,93 points). For the frst time, the density (abundance) of each pest species formed in technocenoses was calculated taking into account fodder preferences. The regularity of formation of the dominance structure of pests in granaries under the influence of their food preferences was observed. Acariformes were found regardless of the stored crop and were eudominant (58,3– 100 %). The dominant species from Coleoptera were lesser grain borer (29,2 %) and grain beetle (16,7 %) for stored wheat, white marked spider beetle (19,0 %) for stored triticale, lesser grain borer (14,6 %) for stored barley and rice weevil (18,1 %) for stored oats. The Copeognata was characterized as subrecedent only for barley (0,7 %) and oats (1,0 %). The identifed trends must be taken into account when taking protective actions in warehouses.

193-205 338

The paper presents the analysis of foreign, Russian and national publications about pests of millet crops during their vegetation. Pests belonging to different families and orders dominate globally and damage millet crops during the whole period of their development: sprouts, vegetative (leaves and stalks) and generative organs. It’s established that corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn.) is the most dangerous phytophage of common millet and African millet in Belarus. In 2021 the damage caused by corn borer to crops at the milk-dough stage was 87,5–90,0 % and 15,0–34,0 % respectively.

206-221 270

According to the literature data the cotton bollworm is one of the most dangerous pests of agricultural crops, causing crop losses of up to 55.0–60.0 %. In the article foreign, Russian and domestic publications on distribution, biology, harmfulness and monitoring of the cotton bollworm – Helicoverpa armigera Hbn. are analyzed. It has been established that due to the wide distribution of the cotton bollworm in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, optimal agro-climatic conditions, should expect pest development in 1–2 generations in the Gomel, Grodno and Brest regions.

222-231 221

Western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera Le Conte) is a dangerous quarantine pest of corn. To localize and eliminate new foci ofits invasion on the territory of Belarus an assessment was made of the biological effciency of insecticides from different classes: neonicotinoids – 20.8–95.5 %, pyrethroids – 75.2–100 %, organophosphorus compounds – 86.0–100 % and combined insecticides – 85.1–100 %. The developed tactics for the application of insecticides involves the choice of the preparation, taking into account the number of the pest, chemical group and heat resistance.

232-240 271

Results of evaluation of biological effciency of Vaiego insecticide, SC in control of lepidoptera cabbage pests are presented. A high, up to 100 % protective effect of the studied preparation against cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella L.) and cabbage scoop (Mamestra brassicae L.) was established in the consumption rates of 0,15 and 0,25 l/ha. The use of the insecticide Voliam Targo, SC (0,8 l/ha) made it possible to limit the number of caterpillars of cabbage moth by 96,9 %, cabbage scoop by 100 %. It was noted that the biological effciency of Koragen, SC reached 100 % in relation to pests. A rather long-lasting effect was shown, for 14–28 days, on the populations of cabbage moth and cabbage scoop of all insecticides studied.


241-248 407

The selection of saprotrophic antagonist fungi strains of the Trichoderma genus by indicators of cellulolytic and antagonistic activity for the selection of promising destructors in the composting of solid cellulose-containing municipal waste to obtain organic fertilizer was carried out. High cellulolytic activity (64,89–68,98 %) was established for strains of Trichoderma asperellum D-11 (the basis of the biological preparation Fungilex, L) and Trichoderma sp. L-3 (the component of the microbiological inoculant Resoiler, L). The index of growth inhibition of phytopathogenic and mold micromycetes reached 92,5 %.

249-254 216

The study of the effciency of Serenade ASO, SC biological preparation applied 5 times in a dose of 6 l/ha and 8 l//ha against grey rot of summer raspberry at different levels of the disease development for 2020–2021 showed its high biological (51,8–63,3 %) and economic (from 1,5 dt/ha to 12,0 dt/ha of the saved yield) effciency.

255-260 225

The occurrence of garden strawberry grey rot in 2020–2021 over the period of harvesting amounted to, on average, 13,9 % and 21,2 % respectively. A four time application of Serenade ASO, SC biological preparation (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, strain QST 713) in a dose of 6,0–8,0 l/ha before harvesting held effectively the spread of the disease. In the feld experiment on small plots the reduction of the number of infected berries amounted to from 55,4 % to 63,3 %, which affected the yield (up to 37,5 dt/ha).


261-271 189

The effectiveness of Setar, SC growth regulator (difenoconazole, 250 g/l + paclobutrazol, 125 g/l) in winter rapeseed var. Vitovt and Mercedes and Mazari hybrids is shown. The application of the preparation in the phase of 4–5 leaves at the application rate of 0,5 l/ha reduces the height of the growing point by 35,8–48,2 %, increases the diameter of the root crown on the average by 6,3–16,2 %, increases overwinter survival on average by 14,0 and 8,5 % on Vitovt variety Mercedes hybrid, and the oilseed yield by 2,4–5,4 dt/ha depending on the variety.

272-284 233

The effectiveness of Architect, SE growth regulator (mepiquat chloride, 150 g/l + pyraclostrobin, 100 g/l + prohexadione-calcium, 25 g/l) in winter rapeseed var. Vitovt and Mazari and Mercedes hybrids is shown. The application of the preparation in the phase of 4–5 leaves at the application rate of 1,5 l/ha reduces the height of the growing point by 47,7–55,2 %, increases the diameter of the root crown on the average by 13,5–22,8 %, increases crop overwinter survival by 3,7–12,3 % and the oilseed yield by 5,8–10,2 dt/ha depending on the variety.

285-296 300

The paper presents the fve year research (2016–2020) conducted in the Laboratory of Pesticide Dynamics of the Institute of Plant Protection on identifying pesticide residues in plant samples of different crops with gas and liquid chromatography methods in the framework of registration trials.

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ISSN 0135-3705 (Print)