
Plant Protection

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No 47 (2023)
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7-12 134

The paper demonstrates the results of the research on evaluating the effect of the graminicide Healer, OEC on spring rape infestation with annual cereal weeds and crop yield. It was established that with the use of the preparation the number of annual cereal weeds decreased by 91.7–100%, and the vegetative mass was reduced by 92,1–100 %. The amount of the saved seed yield was 15,5–22,7 %.

13-20 123

The article presents the route survey results on potato plantings weed infestation in the 2021–2022 in Belarus. Information is given on the species and quantitative composition of weeds, their occurrence in the agrocenoses of culture. The dominant types of weeds and the type of clogging have been established.

21-34 111

The article presents long-term data of route surveys of narrow-leaved lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.) crops, herbocritical period of damage for narrow-leaved lupine varieties of different ripeness groups, thresholds of harmfulness of annual dicotyledonous weeds and the main dominant species of lupine weed cenosis (white mari – Chenopodium album. L. and cockspur – Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv.). Based on the indicators of harmfulness, a strategy for herbicide protection of lupine crops is proposed both with the range of herbicides available in the “State Register of Plant Protection Products and Fertilizers approved for use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus” and based on desmedifam+phenmedipham, imazethapyr and their combinations, both between itself, and with metamitron.

35-42 123

It has been established that both in winter and spring wheat crops, the use of a herbicide based on tribenuron-methyl, florasulam and metsulfuron-methyl caused the complete death of blue cornflower, medium chickweed, tenacious bedstraw, white marya (100 %), the number of carrion rapeseed, odorless threeribbed, shepherd’s pulse decreased by 80,0–100 %. In winter wheat crops, the effectiveness against dicotyledonous weed was 76,7–93,1 %, spring wheat – by 92,0–95,8 % , which contributed to the preservation of crop yields by 12,4–12,9 %.

43-50 136

This article, based on a review of literary sources and electronic resources, instructions and previously published reference materials, presents characteristics of the formulations of plant protection products, which includes the name, composition, their advantages and disadvantages.

51-57 100

In 2021–2022, as a result of surveys of garden strawberries, it was established that the least clogged stands grown using agro-fiber are (the total number of weed plants does not exceed 0,5 pcs./m2, while chicken millet was found from annual weed plants; from perennial – creeping dust) and in closed ground (single seedlings of annual weeds: chicken millet and medium starfish).

In plantations of garden strawberries grown in open ground, the proportion of perennial weed plants increases with the age of the plantation – from 73,6 % to 82,6 %.

With a single-line and tape-two-line method of planting, the culture has a total number of weeds 1,5 times higher than with carpet.

58-65 132

Pre-emergence application of mesotrione after sowing phacelia tanacetifolia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.), suppresses quite effectively (> 85%) annual dicotyledonous weeds: pigweed, chickweed, winter cress, common spurry and other weed species. After applying mesotrione, there is a reduction in accumulation of above-ground mass of the crop at the initial stage of growth and development, however, crops free of weeds contribute to the growth of surviving plants and a higher seed yield. The average yield in the variants with mesotrione is 3,63–3,67 dt/ha, which is almost 3 times higher than the variant without treatment. It is advisable to conduct experiments on mesotrione under the conditions of registration studies.


66-73 127

The article provides information about the infection and species composition of Fusarium fungi, contaminating grains of spring wheat varieties Darya, Lyubava, Slavyanka, Sudarynia in Belarus. The fungus Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc is among the dominant species of the genus Fusarium. There is no clear differentiation in the frequency of occurrence of certain types of Fusarium spp. depending on the variety of spring wheat.

74-79 110

The article presents the results of assessing the development of the potato stem nematode (Ditylenchus destructor Thorne 1945) during the period of potato storage. It was determined that in the farms of Belarus there are batches of potatoes infected with ditylenchosis with a prevalence of up to 6,0 %. The first tubers with signs of damage to the stem potato nematode were found during harvesting. It was revealed that during the storage period, the development of the disease increases by 8,8 times. It has been established that the most intensive accumulation of infection occurs in the first two months of storage.

80-85 109

Species composition on grains of winter cereal crops (wheat, triticale, rye, barley) and spring ones (wheat, barley, triticale, oat) are shown. The most Fusarium incidence was on winter rye – 22,7–41,2 %. There were from 4 to 7 species depending on crop. On winter wheat F. avenaceum, F. sporotrichioides, F. culmorum and F. poae prevailed, on winter triticale F. oxysporum and F. poae prevailed, whereas on winter rye F. avenaceum, F. equiseti, F. oxysporum and F. poae were the most frequently isolated, and on winter barley F. avenaceum, F. oxysporum, F. poae, F. sporotrichioides prevailed. On spring wheat the most common species were F. avenaceum, F. sporotrichioides, F. poae, whereas on spring barley and triticale F. avenaceum prevailed, and on oat F. poae, F. equiseti were the most frequent.

86-93 157

Perennial (2010–2022) data of diseases severity monitoring on winter and spring cereal crops were analyzed. Snow mold, Fusarium root rot, eyespot, powdery mildew, leaf blotches, and head diseases.

94-104 97

Production of cereal crops for seed is one of the most important directions for grain production. It requires intensive plants protection against diseases. In the article perennial data of seed protectants and fungicides efficacy were analyzed, and the list of the most effective products against snow mold, root rot, ergot, loose smut, Septoria leaf blotch, glume blotch, net blotch, powdery mildew, Fusarium head blight were formed.

105-111 82

The paper presents the two-year data on the biological and economic efficiency of the fungicide Switch, WG against diseases of garden strawberry on leaves and berries when applied twice before the harvest. In the field experiment, the reduction of the number of berries affected by rot was 64,2 and 69,1 %; the biological efficiency in reducing the development of powdery mildew reached 48,2–80,7 % on leaves, brown spot – 53,8–69,4 %. The application of the fungicide Switch, WG allowed saving 6,6 and 22,2 dt/ha, depending on the year of the research.

112-119 95

The article presents the results of studies the pathogenic properties of fungi of the genus Fusarium isolated from the root system and ear of winter barley. Their influence on laboratory germination, biometric indicators and on the defeat of winter barley seedlings was studied. The dominant fungal species of the genus Fu- sarium, contaminating the root system and grain of winter barley, can be ranked in descending order according to the manifestation of pathogenic properties in relation to the crop: F. avenaceum, F. culmorum, F. equseti, F. oxysporum, F. solani.

120-127 132

The article presents the data on long-term dynamics of prevalence and development of coccomyces in cherry plantings. It was established that during the years of research, coccomyces prevalence on cherries was 74,6–100 %, its development – 30,1–49,6 %. The development of cherry coccomycosis does not depend on the age of the crop. To protect cherries from the disease, the biological efficiency of copper containing preparation Indigo, SC was studied. The biological efficiency of the fungicide Indigo, SC applied at a rate of 3,0 and 5,0 l/ha against cherry coccomyces was 62,9–66,1 % in 2020 and 68.8–74,6 % in 2021.

128-134 122

The article presents data on the disease susceptibility of spring triticale varieties Cargo, Uzor, Doublet, Sadko and Gelio in Belarus for 2012–2022. It was determined that in years favorable for the development of pathogens, the severity to spring triticale by Root rot on average for varieties reached 43.5%, Septoria leaf spot – 33.9%, Powdery mildew – 10.0%, Leaf rust – 29.6%, Glume blotch – 25.3% and Fusarium ear blight – 9.8%. The varieties most susceptible to each disease were identified.

136-142 82

The researches on studying the specifi fungi composition parasitizing on corn root system under conditions of the Republic of Belarus have been carried out. In the structure of fungi genus Fusarium Link the prevalence the fungus F. verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg, F. oxysporum Schltdl. is determined the frequency of their prevalence has reached 51,0 and 27,8 %, accordingly. The pathogenic complex Fusarium spp. on corn roots was presented by the following species: F. verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. graminearum Schwabe, F. sporotrichioides Sherb, F. equiseti (Corda) Sacc., F. culmorum (Wm. G. Sm.) Sacc., F. avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc.

143-150 78

The paper presents an analysis of the seed material of fi fl harvested in 2018-2020 from nine flax-growing farms belonging to three agro-climatic zones of Belarus. A strong direct correlation between the development of fungal infections and bacteriosis of fl seeds and the amount of precipitation during the growing season (r = 0,93 and 0,70) and infection of plants with diseases by harvest (r = 0,91 and 0,71 respectively) was established. The laboratory germination of seeds had a strong reverse effect of bacteriosis of seeds (r = −0,74), the average – septoria of plants before harvesting (r = −0,58) and precipitation in the second half of the growing season (r = −0,60). The average indicators of hydrothermal factors of the flax-growing zones did not determine the general trend in the development of harmful seed biota.

151-168 93

An assessment of the phytosanitary condition of potato plantings grown under the conditions of a competitive test showed the widespread prevalence of Alternaria blight, reaching on average of 40,8% by the phase of inflorescence development – flowering and 100% by the phase of ripening of fruits and seeds – dying. Under production conditions, on single potato varieties, 100% plant infestation with the disease was noted already by the inflorescence development – flowering. During the growing season of the crop, variations in the development of Alternaria blight on potato tops were detected, with the preservation of differentiation of potato varieties according to the degree of their damage to the dying phase. Under the conditions of variety testing stations, the proportion of varieties with a depressed degree of damage to the vegetative mass of plants in 2021 and 2022 was 40,0 and 55,6%, moderate – 19,4 and 36,7% and epiphytotic – 23,3 and 25,0%, respectively. The species diversity of fungi of the genus Alternaria Nees was noted. Frequency of occurrence of the species A. alternata (Fr.) Keissl. was 44,4–77,8 %, A. tenuissima (Kunze) Wiltshire – 13,9–70,0 %, A. solani Sorauer – 8,3–52,8 %, species of A. arborescens E.G. Simmons, A. avenicola E.G. Simmons, Kosiak & Kwasna, A. brassicaе (Berk.) Sacc., A. infectoria E.G. Simmons and A. longissima E.G. Simmons, classified as Alternaria spp. – 16,7–56,6 %.


169-184 135

During the growing seasons 2021–2022 on the experimental field of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Institute of Plant Protection”, Agriotes lineatus L., Oscinella pusilla Mg. spring generation were of economic importance in seed crops of spring wheat in the first phenological period (from germination to tillering of plants). Damage to plants by click beetle larvae was 8,5–13,7 %, with the number of insects in the fields before seed treatment being 18,0–18,8 individuals/m² of soil. During this period, the imago of the Swedish barley fly was mowed down from 1,0 to 16,0 ind./100 sweeps. The complex of entomophages living in crops is represented by a group of insects with late spring activity: species of ground beetles, rove beetles, spiders, coccinellids, syrphids, and parasitic insects.

In the second phenological period (from tillering to heading), Oulema melanopus (0,8–1,4 ind./stem) and Dolerus puncticollis Thoms. (0,07–0,3 os./stem) dominated in the seed crops of spring wheat. Under the conditions of 2021, a high density of Rhopalosiphum padi L. was noted – 10,3 ind./stem.

In the third period of phenology (from heading to grain formation) in the growing season of 2022, single individuals of Penthatomidae and Miridae (2,0–10,0 individuals/100 sweeps of the net) with the absence of true aphids and thrips were noted in the agrocenosis of the crop. Beneficial insects in the second and third phenological periods are represented by species with summer activity – ground beetles of the genus Harpalus, Amara, rove beetles, coccinellids, predatory species of bugs, syrphids, lacewings, spiders and parasitic hymenoptera.

Interpretation of the obtained data on the harmfulness of dominant species of pests (larvae of click beetles, honey beetles, bird cherry aphids) made it possible for the first time to establish their economic thresholds of harmfulness in spring wheat seed crops. Also, for the first time, economic thresholds for the feasibility of applied plant protection products were calculated, which varied depending on the hazard class of the drug, its cost and the purchase price of seed products.

185-194 72

The paper presents the summary of the studies on assessing the efficiency of insecticides application against dominant phytophags in broad beans agrocenosis. It was identified that spraying the crops with insecticides from various chemical groups against bean weevils provided the reduction of their number up to 87,5–91,8 %, plant damage up to 0,5–1,2 %, which enabled to save 0,27–0,64 t /ha due to the increase of the number of pods per plant by 2,1–2,6 pcs and a 1000-grain weight by 7,9–9,7 g in relation to the variant without treatment. Against bean aphids imago, the biological efficiency was 88,0–88,2 %, which contributed to saving 0,36– 0,38 t/ha of grain due to a greater pod formation on the plant and a 1000-grain weight.

195-202 126

It has been established that the double use of Noril, EC on the apple tree showed high efficiency against dominant species of phytophages. When using the drug at consumption rates of 1,3 and 1,5 l/ha, the number of rose leafworm decreased by 100 %, apple-psyllium aphids – by 94,0–96,6 %, red fruit mites – by 83,5–86,7 %, damage to leaves by miner moth by the end of the growing season – by 85,1–86,9 %, damage to fruits by apple codling moth by the harvesting period – by 90,2–91,9 %. Double use of the drug Noril, CE against a complex of phytophages allowed to save 8,3–9,1 kg/ tree of standard products.

203-211 131

The results of long-term research on the effectiveness of insecticides of various chemical groups against a complex of lepidopteran pests to optimize the entomological situation in the production plantings of white cabbage in the Republic of Belarus are presented. It has been established that insecticides based on chloranthraniliprol and tetaniprol can provide a long-lasting (up to 28 days) and high (up to 100%) protective effect against caterpillars of cabbage pests. The preparations Avant, CE and Proclaim, VRG show an efficiency of up to 100% with the initial number of phytophagous caterpillars close to ETH and some of its excess. The use of the studied insecticides contributes to the preservation of 21.0% to 42.0% yield.

212-219 100

Poplar mining moth Phyllonorycter populifoliella (Treitschke, 1833); Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is a dangerous cryptogenic miner pest of poplars in green areas in Belarus and some other regions of Europe and North Asia. The results of determining the area of individual mines of Ph. populifoliella larvae by computerized planimetry methods revealed statistically significant differences for larvae of 2nd–4th instars. The relative area of the leaf surface of Berlin (Populus x berolinensis (Koch) Dippel) and Canadian (Populus x canadensis Moench, 1785) poplars damaged by larvae of different instars was estimated.


220-227 83

The paper presents the technique for identifying bentazone residues in soil, green mass and green pea using high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode array detector. The technique is based on the extraction of the active ingredient using acetonitrile and purification in the system of immiscible solvents.

228-235 91

The technique is developed for identifying trace amounts of chlorpropham in beet and potato, soil and water. It is based on extracting chlorpropham from water and plant material with chloroform, from soil with acetone, purification of the extracts on a silica gel column, bromination of the dry residue, followed by determination by gas-liquid chromatography. Detection limit (mg/kg): water – 0,001; soil, sugar beets, potatoes – 0,005.

236-244 83

In the UO BSAA, studies were carried out on the possibility of using the growth regulator Ecosil, VE on onion in order to protect it from peronosporosis. As a result of the studies, it was found that under conditions of moderate development of peronosporosis, the use of a growth regulator with an immunomodulatory effect Ecosil, WE (0,2 l/ha; twice) made it possible to reduce the development of peronosporosis by 26,9–32,5% by harvesting – from 33,5–40,8% to 24,5–27,5 %. When using the fungicide Revus, SC (0.6 l/ha; twice), the damage to the leaf apparatus by the end of the growing season was 18,5–19,5 %. As a result of the use of Ecosil, VE, it was possible to signifi  increase the yield of marketable bulbs – by 2,09–3,05 t/ha.

245-253 81

A modern assortment of chemical means for protecting pea from weeds is presented. A comparative analysis of previously and currently used herbicides was carried out and their safety application to pea was evaluated.

254-259 73

The article presents data on the species composition of weeds in corn crops, the biological effectiveness of soil preparations and preparations used during the growing season of the crop. The main principles of work in the system of protection of corn crops from autumn and during the growing season of crop growth and development are noted.

260-269 99

There was a tendency in the growth of the volume of use of plant protection means by 5,3 times – from 47,2 to 251,3 million dollars in the Republic of Belarus for 2001–2020. Herbicides have the largest share in the structure of plant protection means (60,3–66,4 %), followed by fungicides (16,9–19,7 %), preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment (8,6–12,0 %), insecticides and acaricides (2,2–5,3 %). There is an increase in production and use of domestic plant protection means (tonnage volumes amount to 40–41%, in monetary form – 31–33 % of the total amount of all plant protection means). The Republic of Belarus in terms of the amount of pesticide use (1,0 kg of active ingredients of pesticides per 1 hectare of arable land) is on one level with such countries as Norway and Ukraine: 0,80 kg of active ingredients per ha (FAO data) and 0,79 kg of active ingredients per ha (data of the Institute of Plant Protection). However, this index does not fully indicate the load of pesticides on the environment (pesticide class, toxicity, persistence, etc.). In the European Union, there is an increase in the share of farms with organic agriculture, as well as an increase in the volume of use of non-organic fungicides (57 % of all fungicides and bactericides), which in general shows a higher biological orientation of agriculture within the European Union (9,09 % of agricultural areas).

270-280 64

The article presents the results of research on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the growth regulator MaxImmun, CS, which provides induction of systemic plant resistance, when growing vegetable crops in greenhouse conditions. The preparation application contributed to a significant reduction in the infestation of cucumber plants with powdery mildew and the stem form of gray rot, obtaining a biological efficiency of 22,3–56,3 and 20,5–27,7 % respectively, and an increase of 4,0–4,7 % of the yield.

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ISSN 0135-3705 (Print)