By field experiments it is determined that the herbicide Clorite, AS has shown rather high efficiency against Sonchus arvensis which at the rate of application 0,3 l/ha has made 82,2-83,1%and at the rate of application 0,4 l/ha -90,1-90,5 % by number and 84,8-85,5% and 82,6-93,2% by weight, accordingly. The preparation also has shown high herbicidal activity (at the level of 90-100%) against Matricaria inodora and Polygonum convolvulus.
The research results of the study on the efficiency of herbicides use in maize cultivation are presented in the article. It is determined that under the weather conditions during the researches, the use of herbicide MaisTer power OD (1.3 l/ha) at 3 maize leaves stage has provided with the highest effect for the protection of maize crops against weeds. For this, weeds kill has made, on the average, 97,2%, their fresh weight decrease – 99.6%, green mass yield increase - 90,4%, grain – 95,6%.
In the article the results of studying corn crops weed infestation, the efficiency of herbicides and their tank mixtures application by corn cultivation in monoculture and crop rotation are presented. Based on the results of researches it is determined that by corn growing in monoculture much higher barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli L.) and deady nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) number is observed, in crop rotation - couch grass (Elytrigia repens L.), knotweed (Polygonum spp.) and chickweed (Stellaria media (L) Vill.). The biological efficiency of pre-emergent soil- action herbicides against annual weed plants has made 80-99 %. The tank mixtures application at 2-3 crop leaves stage have suppressed the annual and perennial grass and dicotyledonous weeds, the efficiency of their application has been at the level of 90-99%.
In the crops of cabbage white, cultivated on non seedlings technology, there is a complex of weeds, both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species. For the purpose of regulation of their number researches on test of tank mixes of herbicides in crops of culture are carried out. It was found that the biological efficiency of the tank mixture of 334 galley herbicides, BP (0.3 l/ha) and FUSILADE Forte, CE (1.5 l/ha) was 89.0-91.0 % in number and 93.0% in vegetative mass. In the variant with a tank mixture of 334 galley, BP (0.3 l/ha) and super target, CE (1.0 l / ha), the contamination of cabbage crops decreased by 83.0-85.0%, raw weed mass decreased by 90.0-92.0 %. Saved harvest of standard products obtained in all variants of experience 62-83 kg/ha. this was not observed phytotoxic actions of the test tank mixtures on the cultivated culture.
Soil herbicides based on two active ingredients provide with the high biological efficiency against dominant weed species in potato plantings, including difficult to eradicate weeds keeping a weighty output of additional tubers production.
As a result of done in 2011-2017 itinerary inspections of corn fields after carrying out the protective measures it is determined that in the crops grow 55 weed plant species belonging to 19 botanical families. High number is determined in species belonging to Poacea families – 14,6 pcs/м2 and Chenopodiaceae – 6,2 pcs/ m2. The highest number of species belong to Asteraceae family.
A specific diversity of weed plants in medical plant crops is presented. The evaluation is given depending on crop species, the technology of its cultivation, the dominant weeds for medical plants are described. High initial medical plants weed infestation indicates the necessity for measures development directed to their number and harmfulness decrease.
There is no significant effect of hand weeding periods and chemical weeding on raw material qualitative indicators of calendula officinalis (flavonoids in terms of rutin), chamomile (blue essential oil), common valerian (valepotriates in terms of pirilic valtrate salt), thistle (flavolignanes in recalculation on silymarin) and motherwort (flavonoids in terms of hyperoside). The herbicides used do not contaminate the medicinal raw material, since no residues have been found.
The data on ascochyta leaf spot development in the protected ground cucumber plantings which has reached during winter-spring crop rotation 2,5% and during summer-autumn – 52,8 % are presented. The biological efficiency of the preparation Cydeli Top 140, DK (1,0 l/ha) after two times plant treatment against the disease has made during winter-spring and summer-autumn seasons 68,3 and 56,2 % accordingly.
The data on incidence and severity of grain crops root rot types of infection met in Belarus and Russia are presented, the most wide-spread is fusarium-helminthosporiosis is isolated. It is shown that the hydrothermal conditions during crop vegetation period influence greatly the disease development. The perennial data of winter and grain crops seed infection by fungi are shown and a tendency of this index decrease for the fungi genus Fusarium and increase for Alternaria spp. Among spring crops the highest level of seed infection by Fusarium spp. is marked on wheat – 30,9%, the least on oats (6,8%), among winter grain crops – on barley (23,7 %) and wheat (12,9%), accordingly.
In the article the perennial data of snow mold incidence and severity in winter grain crops in Belarus are presented. During the researches a degree of the disease severity in winter triticale has made 87,5%, winter wheat – 88,7 %. The plants kill as a result of the disease severity has made 54,4 and 68,1%, accordingly.
The results on studying the susceptibility of fungi genusAlternaria – agents of apple Alternaria blight to fungicides Scor, EC, Chorus, WDG and Strobi, WG at concentrations by active ingredient 1, 10 and 100 gg/ml are presented. A high fungitoxic action of difenoconazole and cyprodinyl on the pathogen isolates at all concentrations studied is determined – the mycelium suppression on the 14-th day of cultivation has made 58,3 – 87,9% and 51,1 – 91,9% , accordingly. A significant susceptibility variation of the pathogen isolates to cresoxym-methyl is marked.
The analysis of hydrothermal conditions influence on winter wheat Septoria leaf spot severity is presented. It is determined that for starting the pathological process the precipitation ( for not less than 11 days with a rainfall at the amount of more than 1 mm from medium of April) is necessary. The calculation equation of threshold Septoria leaf spot severity is stated.
Currently in winter rape crops in Belarus the following diseases are spread and harmful: seed moulding (Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp., Rizopus spp. and etc.), alternaria blight (A. brassicae and A. brassicicola), collar rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary), root rot (micromycetes complex), grey mold (Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel), also phomosis (Leptosphaeria maculans Ges. & De Not.), typhula disease (Typhula idahoensis Remsberg, T. variabilis Riess, T. gyrans Batsch ex Fr.) fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl.) and verticillium wilt (Verticillium longisporum (C. Stark) Karapapa) are met. In the article the literary data on incidence, harmfulness and peculiarities of biology of winter rape diseases agent in the world and on the territory of Belarus are stated.
The results of researches on spring triticale root rot specific composition are stated. It is determined that the fungi of genus Fusarium in the total structure of fungi infecting root system take up to 68,5 %. The dominant species are the fungi F. equiseti, F. solani,F.оxysporum, F. culmorum and F.avenaceum. The frequency of species occurrence depending on place of cultivation and crop stage.
The results of research on the biological and economic efficacy of the fungicides for spring triticale protection against the diseases of leaves and spikes are presented in the article. The applying of fungicides Menarа, EC and Soligor, EC allowed to reduce the development of leaf and glume blotch, tan spot, powdery mildew, leaf and stripe rust, head blight in the crops and to maintain a statistically significant preserved yield.
The researches on studying the specific fungi composition parasitizing on corn cobs under conditions of the Republic of Belarus have been carried out. In the structure of fungi genus Fusarium the prevalence of G. fujikuroi complex species and the fungus F. graminearum is determined the frequency of their incidence has reached 81,9 and 26,0%, accordingly. On the whole, the pathogenic complex in corn grains has been presented by the following species: G. fujikuroi, F. graminearum, F. oxysporum, F. sporotrichioides, F. equiseti, F. poae, F. culmorum.
The results on complex water-soluble mineral fertilizer Crystalon (label Special) with the method of outside root micro fertilizer application in potato plantings are presented. It is determined that the fertilizer applied one, two and three times in the system of fungicidal protection (Infinito, SС → Infinito, SС → Shirlan, 50% s.c.) does not influence the dynamics of late blight development during potato vegetation, providing with the equal chemical preparations biological efficiency increasing in 10 days after their last application 97,0 and 46,0% , accordingly. It is pointed out that the fertilizer Crystalonincreases tubers root infection for0,5–1,1%in comparison with the fungicidal protection and for 0,3–0,9% in relation to the variant without treatment.
The article presents data on the sunflower alternaria causative agents species composition: A. alternata, A. tenuissima, A. infectotia. It was determined that A. alternata fungus showed moderately pathogenic and weakly pathogenic properties, A. tenuissima fungus was weakly pathogenic, A. infectoria fungus was nonpathogenic. Optimum temperatures (from 18.0 to 22.0 °C) for the genus Alternaria fungi mycelium vegetative growth were identified.
The article presents the results of studies on the efficacy of preparations Bactogen, sc based on bacteria Bacillus subtilis strain 494 (KMBU 30043), titer 109 cells / ml and Fitolavin, sc containing phyto-bacteriomycin-streptotricin antibiotics complex, BA – 120000 UA / ml, 32 g / l in limiting the development of bacterial tomato cancer (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis) and angular spot of cucumber (Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans), when crops are grown in various rotation systems by the method of small-volume hydroponics on mineral wool substrates. The use of environmentally friendly preparations can significantly reduce the harmfulness of bacterial diseases, exclude the use of chemical synthesis pesticides and save 18,9-60,0 % of the yield.
The monitoring results of winter rape crops colonization by Brassica pod gall midge (Dasineura brassicae Winn.) and the forecast of the crop invasion density based on hydrometeorological indices in the western region of the Republic of Belarus are stated. According to the mathematical processing data, it is determined that the sum of the effective temperatures, having accumulated by the phytophage after winter diapause, should not be used for crops population forecasting. By the method of correlation-regression analysis a close relation (r=0,85) of crops colonization density by Brassica pod gall midge to the amount of fallen precipitation at flowering crop stage is revealed. The calculated equation Y = 0.93 + 0.72x makes it possible to determine the invasion density of the crop by the first generation of gall midges based on the amount of fallen precipitation at 63-67 stage of winter rape development according to the BBCH scale.
The article proposes a tactic for the application of protective measures, depending on the phytosanitary situation in potato agrocoenoses, target objects and farm specialization. For seed potato plantationsprotection against a pest complex (wireworms, Colorado potato beetle, aphids-vectors of viral infection), it is preferable to use the insecticides by the method of preplant tubers treatment. To protect the food potato plantations against Colorado potato beetle it is advisable to spray plants with insecticides during the growing season. Tactical methods are aimed at reducing the number of harmful entomofauna, ensuring environmental safety, reducing the potential loss of harvest and material costs, improving the indicators of varietal and seed quality, profitability and preventing the development of Coloraado potato beetle resistance to insecticides.
In the article the results of 2011-2017 researches on hydrothermal conditions influence on the European corn borer area formation cultivated in different agroclimatic zones of Belarus are presented. It is determined that the first focuses of mass phytophage development have been formed in the Southern regions. As a result of favorable hydrothermal conditions prevailed in the Northern and Central agroclimatic zones recently the extension of Ostrinia nubilalis area in the Northern direction is marked. The results of monitoring have shown that high number has been noticed in Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev regions.
The nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) of aphid species of recent Belarusian fauna were sequenced. PCR-RFLP keys were created using the barcode region СOI avoiding the DNA sequencing stage. The PCR-RFLP keys were designed for aphids of the genus Dysaphis Börn. and subspecies of the species Aphis fabae Scop. and Myzus cerasi F. which are pests of fruit, berries and other cultivated crops.
One of the main pests of sugar beet in Belarus is beet aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.): in separate years the crops colonization by the pest reaches 100%. It determines the necessity of measures development on its number and harmfulness decrease. High efficiency against the phytophage (90-100% on crops colonization decrease have shown the insecticides Giant, WP (acetamiprid, 200 g/kg), Modern, EC (dimethoate, 400g/l), Prote- us OD ( thiacloprid, 100 g/l + deltamethrin, 10 g/l), Veles, SC (thiacloprid, 150 g/l + deltamethrin, 20 g/l) and Ephory , SC (lyambda-cygalothrin, 106 g/l+ thiametoxam, 141 g/l.
Presented the phenology of coccinellids in the laboratory. Provided the comparative estimation of certain development stages of ladybirds. Examined the generation length of imago, their fertility, continuance of development of various stages, voracity of larvae.
For the period 2014-2017 in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the most numerous and permanent grass leafhopper species in winter wheat crops were striped (48 %) and six-point (31%). The seasonal dynamics of the pests number during the growing season was studied. The maximum number of phytophages on crops was recorded at the maturation stage (150,5-200,0 indiv./100 sweeps with thenet at100% colonization) and at tillering stage (120,5-150,2indiv./m2 at plant colonization 60,2-75,1%) by late sowing. The high leafhoppers density was observed at a seeding rate of 5.5 mln./ha at maturation stage and tillering of the crop (180,0 indiv./100 sweeps with the net and 150,0 indiv./m2). The late term of sowing and wheat seeding rate increase leads to leafhopper number increase more than twice at milky and wax ripeness stage and tillering. To determine the leafhoppers economic threshold of harmfulness (EHT) , harmful phytophagous insects were monitored in winter wheat crops in two crop vegetation periods: spring-summer and autumn. The economic threshold of harmfulness of cereal leafhoppers during autumn winter wheat vegetation is 70,0-150,0 indiv./m2, at the heading stage - milky ripeness - 100 adults/50 sweeps with the net or 200-300 larvae/m2.
During 2009–2017 we investigated the complex of phytophagous insects of privets (Oleaceae: Ligustrum spp.) under conditions of green stands in Belarus. The complex includes 9 species of phytophagous insects. The taxonomical composition of the complex and information about the occurrence (by woody plants introduction areas) of the privet pests under conditions of green stands in Belarus are given.
As a result of monitoring, the species composition of the formed entomocomplexes of winter triticale agrocoenoses is specified, the dominant species and the periods of their greatest damage have been determined in the plant ontogeny.
In field and production conditions, the biological and economic efficacy of insecticidal and insecticidal-fungicidal preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment against soil-borne pests is evaluated: wireworms (91,0-95,5 %), corn ground beetle (80.6-91,2% ), turnip moth (84,1-87,3%), for this, 2,5-6,2 cwt / ha of grain is kept. With the use of one- and two-component insecticides, in order to reduce the number and severity of dominant phytophagous species complex during winter triticale growing season, the biological efficiency of 800-98,5 % is reached, with keeping 1,6 cwt/ha, respectively. The effectiveness of these preparations when used in a mixture with fungicides and herbicides is not reduced.
The complex thresholds for the expediency of seed disinfectants of insecticidal and insecticidal-fungicidal action use (CEET) with different active ingredients against wireworms and Frit flies, as well as CEET of single and two-component insecticides of different directional action, insecticidal-herbicidal and insecticidal-fungicidal mixtures against winter triticale main pests complex are calculated.
The economic expediency thresholds calculated for dominant pests using the insecticidal and the insecticidal and fungicidal action disinfectants and the insecticides with different active substances on spring barley are presented. By treatment at seedlings stage against Oscinella spp., their threshold number is 19.0-20.0 indiv./100 strokes. Considering the complex damage by Oscinella spp. and grain fleas, the ETE of Oscinella spp. is reduced to 12.0-14.0 indiv./100 strokes. At barley stem formation –heading stage, the insecticides are applied at a threshold number of Oulema spp. 1.2-1.3 indiv./stem. Taking into account the complex harmfulness of Oulema spp. and grain aphids, this indicator is decreased to 0.9-1.1 indiv./stem. The economic thresholds of the dominant barley pests, calculated by combined treatments against weeds and diseases, are discussed.
In the article the results of the production check of the improved anti-resistance techniques of potato protection technology against Colorado potato beetle and late blight are presented. The main tactical methods for overcoming pest resistance to pyrethroids are monitoring of sensitivity and peculiarities of adaptive variability of populations under the influence of varietal resources and the insecticidal press, use of biological preparations, composition structure of chemical and biological synthesis preparations, neonicotinoids. The use of technology contributed to a reduction in potential crop losses from the Colorado potato beetle for 5.0-26.0 %, approximately, the net benefit has made 95.9-582.9 USD/ha, with the profitability – 316.6-556.7%. The improved anti-resistance techniques of potato protection technology against late blight are based on the differentiatedapplication of fungicides during the vegetative period, taking into account the disease resistance of the variety, rotation of preparations with different mechanism of action, and treatments number reduction on resistant varieties. As a result, a decrease in the intensity of plant damage by late blight for 6.5-10.2%, an increase of relatively net income for 50.1-183.9 USD/ha with a profitability of 49.4-427.0% is observed.
In the article the importance of growing grain sorghum in the South of Ukraine is discussed. By sorghum productivity study under conditions of Southern steppe of Ukraine the influence of sowing time both by irrigation and without it with plant protection products application against pests and diseases has been studied. It is determined that grain sorghum without irrigation has formed the highest yield 4,0- 4,3 t/ha by plant protection against pests and diseases with sowing time from the third decade of April to the first decade of May. The use of biological protection (gaupsin + trichodermin) on boghara has provided with the highest indices of yield structure and grain yield for sowing date in the first decade of May. Irrigation has provided with the maximum yield increase for 68% at later sowing time – the second decade of May and chemical protection use (Bi-58+Abakus) against diseases and pests. On the whole, sorghum plant protection against diseases and pests has provided with the yield increase for 17-38 % without irrigation and for 28-39% with irrigation.
In vivo evaluation of the effect of insecto-acaricide preparations on the predatory mite Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes has revealed the presence of the acute toxic effects of the preparations Aktara, WDG (kill up to 97,2%), Teppeki, WDG (up to 93,1%), Match, EC (75,7 %). A delayed toxic effect has been noted for the preparations NeemAzal-T / S, EC and Floramite, SC. The preparation Plenum, WDG is rated as harmless in relation to N. barkeri. A weak toxic effect for microbiological preparations Melobass®, пс. and Trichodermin-BL is determined, the preparations Entolek, L, Fungilex, L and M. anisopliae fungus are characterized as harmless in relation to N. barkeri. The assessment of the compatibility of biological and chemical products in planta conditions on cucumber crop has shown the presence of a slight suppressive effect of Teppeki, WDG, Floramite, SC and Entolek, L on the predatory mite N. barkeri in case of their use after the entomoacariphage release. It is determined that the previous plant treatment by none of the studied plant protection products has not adversely affected the life activity and predatory activity of N. barkeri. The effectiveness and the expediency of combining all plant protection products for the red spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch control is shown.
The seed dressers assortment (maxim, SC, kinto Duo, FS, fundozol 50, WP, cruiser, SC, tabu, WSC), fungicides (revus, SC, metamyl MC, WP and azofos fort, 30 % s.c.), the insecticides (fufanon, EC, agrolan, WP, phytoverm,0,2 %, EC) and the herbicides (stomp professional, MC, gesagard, SC and tank mixtures of preparations estump. EC+goal 2E is selected. The evaluation of biological and economic efficiency of applied seed dressers, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides is given.
The results of researches on selection of pesticides assortment on table carrot crops against the dominant pests, diseases and weed plants are presented. Taking into account the biological and economic effectiveness of the studied fungicides, insecticides and herbicides, the schemes of the sequential plant protection means application in the table carrot crops are developed and the evaluation of their application is made.
A method of micro quantities of the insecticide acetamipride determination in the vegetative production (apples, potato), soil and water is developed. The method is based on acetamipride extraction from water by chloroform, from vegetative samples and soil by water-acetone mixture.A limit of discovery has made 0,005 mg/l (water), 0,025 mg/kg (soil), 0.05 mg/kg (apples, potato). Acetamipride extraction completeness has made 77,4% (water), 74,8 % (soil), 72,0 (apples), 75,6 (potato).
The resultsof different chemical class and technological purpose pesticides residues determination in grain crops, corn, fruit, berry, technical crops and potato for the period of 2011-2017 are presented. It is shown that from 3700 samples 142 samples (3,8%) are contaminated. The role of different technological purpose pesticides on levels of plant production contamination by residues is evaluated.
It is determined thatin the total volume of contaminated by pesticide residues samples, a contribution of different technological group pesticideshas made: fungicides -53% (including triazole group -31%); insecticides -30% (including the synthetic pyrethroids groups -7,0%); herbicides -17% (including clopyralid -2,4, pendimethalin -1,6%).
The article describes aspects of the methodology of the fumigation process. The characteristics of features, principles and conditions of the fumigation process is given. The logical structure of its conduct, consisting of a subject, object, subject-matter, form, means, methods and the result achieved is considered. The dependence of the positive result of fumigation on the properties, features and preparation of the components participating in it is explained. Chronological order of realization of fumigation process is shown. The need for a methodology for fumigation in the field of plant protection is proved.
Studies on the phytosanitary state of sunflower oilseed crops under the conditions of the Republic of Belarus have been carried out. The dominant diseases (Alternaria spp., Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Botrytis cinerea), pests (Elateridae spp., Aphididae spp.) and weeds (Chenopodium album, Echinóchloacrus-gálli) were detected in the three agroclimatic zones of the republic.