Based on the example of Betanal group herbicides (desmedipham 71 g/l+phenmedipham 91 g/l + ethofumesate 112 g/l) soil herbicides based on metamitron and clopyralid –based herbicides the influence of different factors on the efficiency of their application in sugar beet crops is shown. It is determined that the betanal group efficiency under optimum temperature regime and sufficient moisture makes 91–94%, during cooling and high temperatures, abundant rainfall or low soil moisture and air humidity the efficiency is essentially decreased. By soil herbicides application under conditions of temperatures fluctuations, low night temperatures and insufficient soil moisture the biological efficiency in weed plants decrease does not increase 65% while at optimum conditions application it makes 74%. By clopyralid-based herbicides application the optimum results are obtained at average daily temperature +16.. 20°C, sufficient moisture content and rainfall and also by herbicides application at sensitive stages of weeds development.
The article presents the results of studying the effectiveness of the terms and doses application herbicide Picador, PK (imazethapyr, 100 g/l) on a background the different methods of basic till of soil in crops of soybeans. It was found that the maximum technical efficiency (83 %) was achieved with the introduction of pre-emergence aplication of preparation Picador, PK (1.0 l/ha) due to plowing. However, the maximum crop yield (1.9 t/ha) was obtained against a background of subsurface tillage compared with plowing background due agrophysical best rates of addition of the upper layer 10 cm.
In the article the results of combined herbicides application in corn crops in the Republic of Belarus are presented. Based on done researches it is determined that pre-emergent application of preparations containing two and more active ingredients is effective against annual dicotyledonous and grass weeds the death of which at sufficient soil moisture makes 95–100%. The application of combined herbicides and their tank mixtures during post-emergent period is effective against annual and perennial grass and dicotyledonous weeds, total weed infestation by these preparations use depending on the degree of plot weed infestation and specific weed composition decreased for 90–98%.
In the article a literary review on blue lupine sensitivity (Lupinus angustifolius L.) to the known assortment of post-emergent herbicides is stated. The results of search researches on post-emergent herbicides and their mixtures selection in the crop cv Pershatsvet and Mirtan are shown. It is determined that of main economic importance will be the herbicides of growth (mitron, SC (metamithron, 700 g/l), biphor, EC (desmedipham, 80 g/ lo+phenmedipham, 80 g/l), combined action herbicides (growth and soil – tapyr , AC (imazetapyr, 100 g/l) and tank mixtures based on them : tapyr, AC (0,5 l/ha +biphor, EC (1,5 l/ha; biphor, EC (1,5 l/ha) + mitron, SC (1,5 l/ha\); tapyr AC (0,5 l/ha) + mitron ,SC (0,5 l/ha) and tapyr, AC (0,5 l/ha) + mitron, SC (2,0 l/ha) applied at 2–4 leaves of the crop and early periods of weeds vegetation. The selection of post-emergent herbicides and their mixtures will depend on type of weed infestation and the direction of crops use.
The evaluation of the herbicide harmony extra, WDG (thifensulfuron-methyl, 500 g/kg+ thribenuron-methyl, 250 g/kg) depending on application period in spring wheat crops of local cv Toma and Vasilisa is presented. It is determined that the crop yield varies depending on weeding time and variety competition ability. By herbicide application at 2 crop leaves stage (BBCH 12) weed plants number decreased for 81,1–95,6, the vegetative weight – for 96,5–99,0%, at crop tillering stage (BBCH 25) – for 46,9–64,6 and 76,3–86,3%, accordingly. The highest preserved spring wheat yield has made by herbicide harmony, WDG application at 2 crop leaves stage (BBCH 12) on cv Tamara.
It is determined by researches that at winter grain crops weed infestation by annual grass weeds the application of herbicides based on phenoxaprop-P-ethyls with antidotes (Puma SUPER 7.5, OWE; Foxstrot, WE) by autumn or spring application is effective. The herbicide attribute , WG (sodium propoxycarbazon, 700 g/kg) also is effective against Agropyron repens. The indicated herbicides are included into the “State register of plant protection products (pesticides) and fertilizers, allowed for application on the territory of the Republic of Belarus”.
It is determined that at winter grain crops weed infestation by annual dicotyledonous weed plants resistant to 2,4-D and 2M-4X group herbicides it is expedient in Belarus to use both in autumn by crop vegetation and in spring sulfonyl–urea group herbicides (active ingredients - chlorosulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl, tribenuron–methyl, thifenulfuron-methyl and also some of their tank mixtures. Based on the results of researches on studying the biological efficiency these herbicides are included into the “State register of plant protection products (pesticides) and fertilizers permitted for application on the territory of the Republic of Belarus for a wide production application.
It is determined by researches that at winter grain crops weed infestation by annual dicotyledonous and grass weeds resistant to 2,4-D and 2M-4X group herbicides it is expedient to apply both in autumn (before seedlings emergence and during vegetation) and in spring herbicides based on isoproturon and diflufenican (Grom, SC; Cugar, SC; Kunitsa, SC; Legato plus, SC; Morion, CS; Pirate 600 SC).
It is shown that when in crops dominate weed plants sensitive to these herbicides, the biological efficiency of chemical weeding can make 90-100%. By perennial weed plants species presence in agrocoenosis (Sonchus spp., Circium spp., Agropyron repens) it is necessary to apply herbicides against a background of herbicides – derivatives of glyphosate application.
The results of the evaluation of the effectiveness of the basic soil cultivation in crop rotation in forest-steppe their continued use in stationary experiment. Found that povushenoy protivosornyakovoy efficiency is the system of dump - subsurface soil in the rotation.
The results of researches on the efficiency of herbicides to control Orobanche cumana Wallr. in sunflower crops in Georgia are presented. High efficiency of herbicides Euro-Lightning, WDC and Captor, WDC decreasing Orobanche cumana Wallr number for 80–90% is determined. The phytotoxicity of a set of herbicides in relation to sunflower plants is studied and different level of sensitivity of local and regionalized varieties and hybrids to the studied preparations is marked. A possibility of the parasite biological control is shown.
In the article a possibility of the herbicide lavina, SC (metamitron, 700 g/l) application in tancy phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth) crops is stated. Different schemes of the herbicide application – pre-emergent, during vegetation and its successive application in two periods are studied. It is determined that the herbicides application is expedient only at high initial plot weed infestation under conditions of high weed harmfulness. Under surplus moistening the herbicide lavina, SC can render a phytotoxic effect on the crop.The most expedient is a single application of the herbicide lavina, SC at the rate of 2,0 l/ha at 2–4 leaves of the crop during early stages of weed growth stages.
The study of biological and economic efficiency of soil herbicides based on promethrin active ingredient (Gesagard, SC, Prometrex Flow, SC) and pendimethalin (Stomp,33% e.c., Estamp. EC, Stomp professional, MCS) in milk thistle crops ;the complex investigation of their application influence on o flavolignans synthesis and their ratio, residues accumulation in the .production is done. It is determined that the studied herbicides decrease the crops weed infestation , on the average, for 70–90%, allow to maintain the crop fruit yield 3,2–5,3 cwt/ha, do not cause the residues accumulation in the production and do not worsen the received raw material quality.
The results on comparative analysis of guanylate cyclase system biochemical parameters, i.e. the content of cyclic guanosine 3’,5’-monophosphate (cGMP) and the content of guanylate cyclase (GC) enzyme, in tomato cultivars OttaWa 30 and Dohodny with contrast resistance to the pathogen Phytophthora infestans, are presented. It was demonstrated that endogenous cGMP content in biotic stress-tolerant plants was lower than in stress-sensitive ones. Proteins similar to GC of mammalian were detected in subcellular fractions of tomato plants for the first time. The content of GC-like proteins was differed in stress-tolerant and stress-sensitive plants. The findings could be used as additional criterions for the selection of tomato plants resistant to pathogens.
The data of phytopathological situation monitoring in the crops of winter cereals are shown. It is determined that winter cereals are damaged by root rot and diseases of leaves and ears all-round.
As a result of two years efficiency study of five two component fungicides (Bellis, WDG, Luna Trankvility, SC, Medeya, ME, Tersel, WDG, Ambreliya SC) it is determined that their three times application in the system of apple-tree protection at the most vulnerable for diseases infection periods provides with scab decrease up to 97,8%, leaf spot diseases complex – up to 94,2%, powdery mildew and fruit rot – up to 97,8% depending on the preparation.
The results of phytopathologic oil flax seeds expertise by incubation in moist chamber and on different composition nutritive media are presented. Oil flax seeds infection by bacteriosis, mottledness, saprotroph and pathogenic fungi is shown. It is determined that for sowing seeds quality determination moist chamber method is more preferable. For revealing, isolation and cultivation of fungal and bacterial origin pathogens – seeds incubation on potato-glucose agar and for pathogenic micoflora (Fusarium spp., Colletotrichum lini Mans et Bolley, Aureobasidium pullulans f. Lini (Laff) Cokke) – wort agar.
A system of shot hole development in garden plum considering bioecological features of the fungus Cl. carpophilum , its sensitivity to fungicides including the application of preparations with different mechanism of action by their sequence principle during critical for infection periods ( start of conidia flight, mass conidia flight, the disease development increase, autumn outbreak of conidia flight) is substantiated.
At present in corn crops on the territory of the Republic of Belarus the causative agents of the following diseases are widespread and harmful: musty seeds (Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp.), blister corn smut (Ustilago maydis (DC.) Corda), fusarium blight (Fusarium spp.), also northern blight (Exserohilum turcicum (Pass.) K. J. Leonard et Suggs), stem rot (Fusarium spp.), head corn smut (Sorosporium reilianum (Küehn) McAIp), corn rust (Puccinia sorghi Schwein). The paper presents some literature data on features of agents biology, their incidence and harmfulness in the world and on the territory of Belarus.
The article shows the results of evaluation of methods of application of biological products Profibakt-Fito, then. and BL-Trihodermin to protect greens from root rot in in their crops the cultivation hydroponics method and found that the protective effect of the drugs above when making preparation torfosmesi than when applied by watering after planting. It was found that the biological efficiency of microbiopreparations in the control of root rot reached 75,0% for dill, 84,7% for parsley.
In the article the results of researches on specific composition and structure of phytophages dominance in industrial apple plantations on cultivars differed by resistance degree to scab are presented. A preferred damage of immune and resistant apple cultivars by the invasive pest species: Amenostegia glabrata Fall., Zeuzera pyrina L., Xyleborus dispar L..is determined. It is estimated that fruit mites, Dysaphis plantaginea Pass, and Dysaneura mali Kff. number in resistant to scab cultivars is 5–6 times higher than in the infected ones, what is stipulated by differences in the complex of carried out protective measures.
It is confirmed that the perspective through the ecologizing of chemical protection of orchard crops from pests is the use of selective preparations – regulators of growth and development of insects. Ecotoxicological assessment criteria defined for investigated pesticides: polarity, detoxication rate constant (k), the periods of half-lives (T50) and full decay (T95), degree of hazard.
The materials on acarological situation monitoring in the protected ground of the Republic of Belarus are presented. The analysis of Tetranychus mites population structure in vegetable and flower-decorative crops cultivated in greenhouse farms of the Republic is stated. It is shown that the dominant species of herbivorous mites is a twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch., which is meet everywhere.
The comparative assessment of efficiency of insecticides of various chemical nature – Actellic, EC (pirimiphos-methyl 500 g/l) and Movento, SC (spirotetramat 100 g/l) in restriction of number of thrips tabaсco is carried out. Dependence of efficiency of preparations on the initial number of a phytophage, concentration and frequency rate of treatment is shown. It is established that biological efficiency of preparation Movento, SC in consumption rates 0,8 and 1,0 l/ha in control of number of trips tobacco has made 75,7–93,2%, Actellic, EC (3,0 l/ha) – 71,7%. It is noted that application of the studied preparations needs to be begun with the moment of detection of the first individuals of a phytophage. The high protective effect of these insecticides allows to recommend their alternation in technologies of crop protection for restriction of number of thrips tobacco population and decrease in risk of emergence of phytophage resistance.
Modes of fumigation against major pests of grain stocks. The necessary rules lethal phosphine fumigation against the most common pests of grain stocks. Determined insect fumigant sensitivity depending on their species composition.
Lime leaf miner (Phyllonorycter issikii (Kumata, 1963); Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) – East Asian species which became the main mining pest of limes in decorative green stands in Belarus. Study on 8 aboriginal and introduced species and forms of limes (tilia L.) has been carried out. Occurrence of Ph. issikii mines on leaf plates was maximal (25–50%) for Tilia platyphyllos and Tilia cordata. Square of a single mine was minimal for T. cordata (0,40±0,02 cm2) and maximal for Tilia mandshurica (1,78±0,19 cm2). The total mine area was minimal for leaf plates of tilia x europaea f. laciniata (1,03±0,18 cm2), tilia tuan (1,08±0,16 cm2) and maximal for T. platyphyllos (3,05±0,23 cm2). The total area of Ph. Issikii mines does not exceed 10% of the total square of leaf plate surface of every lime species or form under the study.
In the article the research results on the efficiency of biological preparations for cabbage, potato and corn protection against pests and diseases are presented. The action of biological preparations Ksantrel , L, MELOBASS, ps.,Baciturin, L.+ Betaprotectine, l ., Baciturin L + Baktophyt, SC, Baciturin, L+ Phytoproctine L on the decrease of Colorado potato beetle number (30,2–64,3%), cabbage phytophages (41,1–87,4%), European corn borer (52,5–62,7%) and the decrease of late blight (23,0–65,4) and Alternaria blight (41,3–65,4%) and phomosis (42,2–56,7%) development is shown. The application of the indicated preparations has provided with 34,8–79,8% potato yield, 31,6–34,4% cabbage yield and 4,8–11,8% corn grain preservation.
Results of resistance level assessment’s of the modern and perspective varieties of the winter wheat breeding of The V.M. Remeslo Myronovka Institute of Wheat against thrips (Haplothrips tritici Kurd.). Among the 20 varieties studied showed 11 resistant (7–6 points) – Myronovskaia rannespelaia, Vesta, Remeslyvna, Smuhlianka, Bohdana, Monotyp, Natalka, Kolos Myronovshchyny, Myrlena, Lehenda myronovskaia, Berehynia myronovskaia and 7 medium resistant (5–4 points) – Snezhana, Dostatok, Yuvyliar myronovskyi, Obereh myronovskyi, Svytanok myronovskyi, Myronovskaia zlatoverkhaia, Horlytsa myronovskaia. Established types of resistant, that prevail in different variety samples. Identified marker features, typical for the resistant variety against this phytophage. Results of resistance level assessment’s of the modern and perspective varieties of the winter wheat breeding of The V.M. Remeslo Myronovka Institute of Wheat against thrips (Haplothrips tritici Kurd.). Among the 20 varieties studied showed 11 resistant (7–6 points) – Myronovskaia rannespelaia, Vesta, Remeslyvna, Smuhlianka, Bohdana, Monotyp, Natalka, Kolos Myronovshchyny, Myrlena, Lehenda myronovskaia, Berehynia myronovskaia and 7 medium resistant (5–4 points) – Snezhana, Dostatok, Yuvyliar myronovskyi, Obereh myronovskyi, Svytanok myronovskyi, Myronovskaia zlatoverkhaia, Horlytsa myronovskaia. Established types of resistant, that prevail in different variety samples. Identified marker features, typical for the resistant variety against this phytophage.
The articledes cribes original method of identification tobacco and the glasshouse whitefly (Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum) imago, which canbeused to identify practitioners of plant protection. It is established that Komplexon-2p revealed the efficiency 65,22– 91,39%, enabling to contain populations of Bemisia tabaci at a low level.
Researches and accurate definition of species composition of harmful entomocomplex were carried out. Characters of entomocomplex’s formation for diverse periods of oilseed radish’s development were found. 36 species of phytophages that belong to 6 genera and 14 families with dividing of its into a category on frequency of exposure were determined.
Based on solubility data in various solvents and basic properties of cyantraniliprole, the methods of determination of cyantraniliprole residues in rape and sunflower seeds, rapeseed and sunflower oils, grain and green mass of maize by HPLC were developed. The proposed sample preparation techniques are based on dissociation and solid phase extraction and provide obtaining chromatograms without peaks, interfering with peaks of determining substance. The developed methods are characterized by good recoveries of cyantraniliprole from studied matrices, repeatability and low limits of quantification.
The behavior of active ingredients of fungicides and insecticides applied for protection against noxious organisms of protected ground vegetable crops is studied. The active ingredients of fungicides (fludioxonyl, cyprodinyl, azoxystrobin, mefenoxam) and insecticides ( bifenthrin, spirotetramate) were kept in cucumber fruits during the whole period of samples selection (0-19) in a quantity of less than maximum permissible level. In tomato fruits the fungicides cyprodinil and pirimetanil on the 0 –st day were determined in quantities insignificantly increasing the MPL, in other periods of samples selection the fungicides and insecticides residues were determined at the level lower than MPL.
The residues of herbicides, fungicides and seed dressers active ingredients are studied in corn grain and green mass during yield harvesting. The active ingredients – carfentrazon-ethyl, thifensulphuronmethyl, C- metolachlor, terbuthylazine, nicosulfuron, mezotrion, thiaclopryd, thiabendazole, protioconasole were not determined in corn grain or their were less than the maximum permissible level (MPL).
The method of determining the herbicide isoproturon microquantities in plant production (grain and straw of grain spiked crops), soil and water is determined. The method is based on isoproturon extraction from plant samples, soil and water by organic solvents, acid hydrolysis , extract purification with the subsequent aromatic amine determination (after bromiding ) with the help of gas-liquid chromatography. Discovery limit is 0,002–0,005 mg/kg (l), the average determination meaning is 79-87%.
Precision agriculture opens new directions for the plant protection in Poland. Polish accession to the European Union has introduced a number of legislative acts in the force. One of them is Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parlament and the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides. Article 14 of this Directive says that member states shall take all necessary measures to promote low pesticide input pest management, giving wherever possible priority to non-chemical methods. From January 1st. 2014 professional users of pesticides should switch to practices and products with the lowest risk to human health and the environment. Farmers have to use integrated pest control only. Idea of the integrated pest control fits into the system of precision agriculture, because help farmers make the best decisions with regard to planting, fertilizing and harvesting crops. In plant protection precision crop management is still in the experimental phase. Plant protection with use of the instruments of precision agriculture is the element of agriculture production. Precision agriculture includes yield monitoring, yield mapping (with using Global Positioning System – GPS), variable rate fertilizer, weed mapping, variable spraying and many others. In precision agriculture the use of plant protection involves determination of the type, location and severity of the pest. For the accurate determination of the pest Institute of Plant Protection apply different tools: yellow traps, Johnson’s aspirators and light trap. For determination of diseases we use volumetric spore trap and for minimizing outflows of herbicides we use Decision Support Systems (DSS). Important part in precision plant protection play sprayers equipment which use variable rate application (VRA). So due to VRA we use less chemical plant protection products which is important for environment protection.